Parc d'Europa


Martorell Europa Park, near the Europa hill, has an inclusive area with different adapted elements. Tobogans, Tyrol, Adapted Elements, Sandbox... and space for the smallest.

The park is divided into four areas corresponding to the activities that can be done:

  • Tobogan area for all ages: 3 tobogans, 9'5 metres long, 8'5 metres and one 6'5 metres with a capacity for two people.

  • scope for inclusive play activities: adapted for children with different abilities to play together. It has a multigame area with anti-slip ramps to make it accessible to children with reduced mobility. Children can experience together and discover sounds, touches and colors. In addition, there is a sandwich, an adapted swing, and a balance accessible for wheelchairs. The floor is of anti-slip panels and a soft rubber safety pavement.

  • meeting game space: There is a multi-game area crafted with robotic wood. In this area there are swings, a large 30-meter thyroline and other balancing games.

  • area for children 0-3 years old: with sandboxes, springs, swings and a tobogan hut.

93 775 00 50

Parc Europa
08760 Martorell Barcelona
