
Beaches beyond the towel

There is an equation that holds that beach is equal to sun and towel, exclusively.

And it is true that on the beaches of Baix Llobregat you can sunbathe, of course, but you can also surf or eat an unforgettable rice, learn to sail, family playing in a perfectly conditioned area or simply relax, live and be happy.


Aquatic activities

Naturals parks

It's not about we have just one natural space.
We have a complete collection in the form of deltas and wetlands, chasms and forests,
mountains, and activities for everybody.

Nature activities


Paths and trails that never end

Whoever walks, it's healthy. But it also makes culture, while discovering paths, heritage and landscapes modeled over the centuries.

The Baix Llobregat network, perfectly signposted trails, is an invitation to walk and see more.

Path network


The Seven Balconies of Montserrat 

They are seven natural and panoramic sights of the magic mountain from Abrera, Castellví de Rosanes, Collbató, Esparreguera, Martorell, Olesa de Montserrat and Sant Esteve Sesrovires.

These sightseeers are the perfect proposal to enjoy the nature and activities that this northern part of Baix Llobregat offers, such as hiking, cycling or family tourism. At the same time, they allow the enjoyment of a gastronomy with indigenous products, visits to wineries and caves, a heritage showing the past and history of the territory, such as the Colony Sedó in Esparreguera or the Devil's Bridge in Martorell, and unique events, such as the depictions of the Passions during the spring.

The Seven Balcons of Montserrat



Els 10 cims del Baix Llobregat

Emulant el famós repte dels 100 cims de la Federació d’Entitats Excursionistes de Catalunya (FEEC), el Consell Esportiu del Baix Llobregat, ha creat el repte dels “10 Cims del Baix Llobregat” amb el principal objectiu de donar a conèixer els cims més emblemàtics de la nostra comarca, a més de fomentar els hàbits saludables a través de la pràctica del senderisme.

Les fitxes publicades de cada cim ofereixen la informació necessària per poder realitzar l’ascens: el municipi al qual pertany, l’altitud, la distància de la ruta, el punt d’inici, el desnivell del terreny, el tipus de ruta i una breu descripció del recorregut. També podeu trobar el un track de cada ruta.

Els 10 cims

Land, sea and air sports

What sport do you say you do? No problem.
In Baix Llobregat we have the equipment and the offer for the practice of sports anyway,
whether they are minority or not, popular or not, risky or not… By land, sea and air.




… And don’t forget to take a break!

Parks and gardens, picnic and barbecue areas. Don't forget to regain strength, take shade, talk, relax and have a snack with family or friends.

Parks and gardens

Picnic and barbecue areas