Fira del Vi i del Cava de Vallirana


Under the organization of the Town Hall, this Fair aims to recover the wine tradition of the municipality, which is part of the Penedès Designation of Origin, and to boost the commercial and tourist activity around the production of wines and cavas and local restoration.

Visitors can purchase tickets to taste wines and cavas, and tapas prepared for local restoration. You can also buy products from the display wineries and from the local stores and establishments represented.
During the weekend there will be numerous parallel events: wine tastings and pairing, concerts, children's activities and much more ...

The Fair has the collaboration of several entities, such as the Penedès Denomination of Origin Regulatory Council, the Baix Llobregat Tourism Consortium, the Vallirana Tourist Office, the Unió de Botiguers de Vallirana and the Diputació de Barcelona. Entities and companies in our municipality also support the Fair with the organization of various activities.

Date of celebration: June.

Frequency: Annual.

More information: City Council of Vallirana.

Correu electrònic
672 462 426

Rambla de la Sobirania
08759 Vallirana Barcelona
